Sunday, October 3, 2010

{from, ruth} Hi, I'm Ruth

In three months I will be an ‘officially graduated’ designer and creative writer. And in nine months I will wear a white dress and change my last name. I am excited to start sharing things that inspire me and things that Alethea and I work on. To explain the dynamics of our work, I would say Alethea is the modern-clean design voice and I am a vintage-eclectic tone. I go to as many flea markets and thrift stores as possible and rejoice at finding beautiful old books and pretty little glass vases. Surprising color combinations and hand illustrations are some of my favorite design elements. I find inspiration in fashion, architecture, and stories: novels, children’s books, short stories, poetry. I love black and white TV, eating at fancy restaurants, Disneyland, Ella Fitzgerald, and anything chartreuse. 

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